Bank Fraud Attorney
Defrauding a financial institution is a serious crime that can result in a million-dollar fine and 30 years in prison.
A lawyer who understands the intricacies of bank fraud can defend you and work to avoid convictions and penalties.
Houston, TX, bank fraud attorney Paul Doyle has an extensive track record in fraud prosecution, defense, and FBI investigations.
High Praise for Our
Bank Fraud Lawyers
Serving Houston, Texas
Paul and his team are the real deal!! All business, the very best!
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Your First Move
Is of Great Importance
In fraud cases, the first decision you make could be the most important. This decision may include whether or not you should even talk to the government if they come knocking. It is wise to retain a lawyer with knowledge of bank, mortgage, and wire fraud as soon as you are embroiled in a case. This way, you can have a defense attorney on your side from day one.
What Is Fraud?

The Basic Charge
Basically, fraud means trying to intentionally deceive someone to obtain financial gain. It is illegal to fraudulently obtain not just money, but assets, securities, property, and more. In general, if a person lies, defrauds, tries to complete a plan to defraud, or gains a financial benefit by fraud, they could be charged with bank or wire fraud. If this is done via the phone, the web, electronically, or in the mail to a financial institution, it can be prosecuted by the government. Charges are often confusing and severe. If you have been charged with fraud, our Texas attorneys can break down your case in an understandable manner.

Mounting Charges
Prosecutors generally attach a money laundering charge to white-collar crimes, adding an additional layer of potential penalties. Alleged fraudulent schemes or plans that the government investigates can be very complicated, and typically the government looks to find multiple parties to the offense so they can create a “conspiracy.” The government will then threaten prosecution for any form of assistance that “furthers” the conspiracy. It is common to see an indictment with many counts alleging each and every act that furthers the conspiracy.
What Is a Financial Institution?
A federally insured institution that accepts money deposits and handles financial assets. Examples include banks, credit unions, and mortgage lending businesses.
Paul Has Won Complex Fraud Cases
Our lead attorney has helped clients avoid significant criminal penalties for well over a decade. In one of his especially impressive victories involving a defendant charged with bank fraud, Paul tracked the money trail in the case to a co-defendant, proving that his client did not benefit in any way from the scheme. This resulted in the case against his client being totally dismissed.
Fight Your Bank
Fraud Allegations
If you have been charged with bank fraud of any type, you are facing serious, life-changing consequences. When your back is against the wall, it pays to trust a Houston attorney with an extensive understanding of how these cases are won and lost.
During his career as a prosecutor, Paul spent years handling fraud cases. In doing so, he developed in-depth knowledge of how to prove which financial evidence is inadmissible, how to track paper trails, and how to determine if the real perpetrator of fraud is simply using smoke and mirrors to deflect from their own wrongdoing. Reach out to our lawyer to get defense help from someone who truly knows how bank fraud cases work.
(713) 228-9200
Proud to Help Houston
Bank Fraud Lawyers Who Have Your Back
"Paul Doyle is always our first phone call. He is an exceptional criminal lawyer who has the perfect balance of street smarts, intellectual horsepower and an uncanny ability to diffuse the tension with opposing government lawyers. He also has a tireless work ethic."
— John Zavitsanos of Ahmad, Zavitsanos, Anaipakos, Alavi & Mensing P.C.
Many Folks Are
Wrongfully Charged
With Bank Fraud
There are countless stories of individuals who find themselves in the middle of a scheme that they had no idea was illegal or fraudulent. Organizers of fraudulent schemes regularly keep their employees in the dark in order to conceal the fraud.
Federal law enforcement agents traditionally cast a wide net because they are unaware of who knows what and to what extent. Therefore, it is important to have a lawyer who has the ability to digest what is alleged in detail in order to avoid or limit the client’s exposure. Many times this translates to countless hours reviewing thousands of documents.
Real Help for Texas
Bank Fraud Attorney Paul Doyle Can Defend You
While the concept of bank and wire fraud seems simple, fighting the case is not. It is imperative that you hire zealous, qualified, and thorough counsel. Mr. Doyle has a background in prosecuting and defending white-collar cases, as well as working with the FBI on fraud investigations. This has given him an extensive knowledge of fraud cases, which allows him to strategize optimal defenses for his clients.
Being criminally charged in a bank fraud, mortgage fraud, or wire fraud case is a serious matter. The threat of a looming conviction can be truly terrifying. As your defense attorney, Mr. Doyle will work to represent your interests, defend your rights, and attain the best result he possibly can. Call or contact us to schedule a consultation at his Houston defense attorney office today.
(713) 228-9200
Rave Reviews for Our Bank Fraud Lawyers
Serving Houston, TX
"Paul is the best lawyer in town! If you are aiming for dismissal this is your guy!"
— Ben Sanderson, 2023 5-Star Review
Our Attorneys Handle Mortgage, Wire, and Securities Fraud Cases

Mortgage Fraud
Mortgage fraud refers to illegal misrepresentation and lies on mortgage documents. There are two primary categories of mortgage fraud. Fraud for housing is the submission of false information to qualify for a loan or to receive better terms when buying a home. Fraud for profit is alleged when a real estate professional commits deception to illegally obtain money.

Wire Fraud
Wire fraud is one of the most commonly charged federal crimes. "Wire" refers to the use of phones, computers, or other devices to commit fraud. A single charge can result in a person being fined $250,000 and spending 20 years in prison. Worse, the penalties for wire fraud can become enormous because every call or email can result in its own wire fraud charge. For example, just four text messages could lead to a million-dollar fine and 80 years of imprisonment.

Securities Fraud
Securities fraud refers to the defrauding of investors through misrepresentation or the spreading of false information designed to manipulate financial markets. This can include high-yield investment fraud, Ponzi schemes, foreign currency fraud, broker embezzlement, hedge fund fraud, and late-day trading. According to the United States Sentencing Commission, 86.6% of those convicted of securities and investment fraud are sentenced to prison, with an average sentence of 46 months.
Criminal Penalties
For Mortgage Fraud
Can Be Similarly Stiff
Our Houston firm advises clients to fight against charges of mortgage fraud whenever possible because the criminal penalties of a conviction can be very severe. If convicted, you may face:
- Up to 30 years in prison
- Fines up to $1,000,000
- Being forced to pay all defrauded money back
- Having your life restricted by a felony record
Becoming a felon comes with collateral consequences that extend far beyond jail time and fines. For example, a felony on your record may result in your losing the right to vote, the suspension or revocation of any professional license, and restrictions against you buying any firearm.

The Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act
Gives the Prosecution Widespread Power
In the wake of the Great Recession, Congress passed the Fraud Enforcement Recovery Act. This widened the scope of what may be prosecutable, enforcing that:
- Making any false statement to employees and agents of a mortgage lending business is prosecutable as fraud.
- Fraudulent activities involving any government stimulus, recovery, or rescue plan are considered defrauding the federal government.
The securities fraud provision covers any fraud involving commodities futures and options.